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Evaluating the Validity of English Language Proficiency Assessments: Visit website

Understanding Language Initiative: Visit website

CCSSO Formative Assessment for Students and Teachers: Visit website




Early Science and Language Learning at Para Los Niños. (June, 2010). Documentary funded by WIDA & UCLA Center for Community Partnerships. Available here.



Learning Progression Literature

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Bailey, A.L., Heritage, M., & Reynolds Kelly, K. (December, 2011). The Dynamic Language Learning

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Barrett, J., Sarama, J., Clements, D.H., Cullen, C., McCool, J., Witkowski-Rumsey, C., & Klanderman, D.

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Confrey, J., Maloney, A.P., & Nguyen, K.H. (2011). Learning Over Time: Learning Trajectories in Mathematics

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Corcoran, T., Mosher, F.A., & Rogat, A. (2009). Learning progressions in science: An evidence-based

approach to reform. New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College: Center on Continuous Instructional Improvement, Consortium for Policy Research in Education. Retrieved from http://www.cpre.org/images/stories/cpre_pdfs/lp_science_rr63.pdf.


Daro, P., Mosher, F.A., Corcoran, T. (2011). Learning trajectories in mathematics: A foundation for standards,

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Duschl, R., Maeng, S., & Sezen, A. (2011) Learning progressions and teaching sequences: a review and

analysis. Studies in Science Education, 47(2), 123-182.


Kennedy, C.A., & Wilson, M. (2007). Using Progress Variables to Map Intellectual Development. In R. W.

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Shavelson, R.J. (2009). Reflections on learning progressions. Paper presented at the Learning Progressions in

Science (LeaPS) Conference, Iowa City, IA. Retrieved from http://education.msu.edu/projects/leaps/proceedings/Shavelson.pdf.


Songer, N., Kelcey, B., & Gotwals, A.W. (2009). How and When Does Complex Reasoning Occur? Empirically

Driven Development of a Learning Progression Focused on Complex Reasoning About Biodiversity, Journal for Research in Science Teaching, 46, 610-631.



Explanation Literature

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